CO2 conversion (%)=([CO2]in-[CO2]out)/[CO2]in×100% | (1) |
CO selectivity (%)=[CO]out/([CO2]in-[CO2]out)×100% | (2) |
CH3OH selectivity (%)=[CH3OH]out/([CO2]in-[CO2]out)×100% | (3) |
CH3OH space-time yield=[CH3OH]out/mcat. | (4) |
Fig.1 The catalytic performances of CZA and M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo, and Mn) catalysts
Fig.2 Effect of reaction temperature on the catalyst performance of CZA and Mn-CZA catalysts
Fig.3 Space-time yields of methanol obtained at different temperatures on CZA and Mn-CZA catalysts
Fig.4 XRD patterns of CZA and M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo, and Mn) catalysts before and after reduction
表1 还原前后催化剂晶粒尺寸大小
Table 1 The particle size of catalyst before and after reduction
Fig.5 H2-TPR profiles of CZA and M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo, and Mn) catalysts
表2 催化剂还原峰顶温度和耗氢量
Table 2 Peak temperature and hydrogen consumption of CZA and M-CZA catalysts
Fig.6 CO2-TPD profiles of CZA and M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo, and Mn) catalysts
表3 还原后改性CZA催化剂表面元素组成
Table 3 Surface element composition of modified CZA catalysts after reduction
图7 还原后CZA和M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo和Mn)催化剂XPS谱图:(a) Cu 2p; (b) Cu俄歇谱; (c) Zn 2p
Fig.7 XPS spectra of CZA and M-CZA (M=Zr, Mg, In, Mo, and Mn) catalysts after reduction: (a) Cu 2p; (b) Cu LMM; (c) Zn 2p
图8 0.1 MPa和240℃下CZA催化剂上原位红外漫反射光谱
Fig.8 In situ DRIFT spectra on CZA catalyst obtained at 0.1 MPa and 240℃
图9 0.1 MPa和240℃条件下Mn-CZA催化剂上原位红外漫反射光谱
Fig.9 In situ DRIFT spectra on Mn-CZA catalyst obtained at 0.1 MPa and 240℃
Fig.10 Effect of HCOOH addition on the concentration of CH3O* and CH3OH on Mn-CZA catalysts
Fig.11 Comparison of CH3O* and CH3OH concentrations on CZA and Mn-CZA catalysts